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Железняк Л.С., Карвасарская И.Б., Ломаченков А.С., Марцинкевич Н.Е., Уточкина О.В.
Dynamic Psychiatric Principles in Psychotherapy of Autistic Children with Participation of Children-Co-Therapists

Dynamic psychiatric Principles: empathy, humanistic approach, socially active environment (SAE) influence on patients and other permit substantially to widen poosibilities of not medication care of autistic children in groups of game psycho therapy is analysed. Methodology of SAE, influences formated by therapist, elaborating sociotrenic approach to the problems of therapist-patient interactions was accomplished. Creation SAE was effective when patient coevals, who didn't have expressed injuries of communication, were included in the team. Recruitment of correction process participants was carried out from ill children included in therapy together with autistic children (principle of «meeting ways movement») and from healthy children, who were in group as co-therapists. Therapeutic influences were realized by empathic communications, with the leading principle of «communicativepleasure». Positive dynamics in the state of several autistic children was marked - widening of diapason of acceptable contacts, lowering of the level of emotional tension, rise of communicative endurance. All this gave possibilities for more adaptive interaction with socium.









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